Take a Peek at Be The Bridge: Meet Rebecca Leatherwood
Take a Peek at Be The Bridge
For the last two years, RIkeesha Phelon and Lisa Miller have been leading Be The Bridge conversation groups here at Hope. The Be The Bridge model was created by founder, Latasha Morrison. Morrison’s organization equips individuals to serve as ambassadors of racial reconciliation with a unique Christian perspective.The recent murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, have spotlighted again our nation’s heart-breaking racial history. History doesn’t go away—its shadows are here with us in the present. As Christ-followers who believe in God’s plan of Biblical justice that calls for hospitality to the outsider, love and grace for all, and a special place for the vulnerable--How do we navigate these waters? In this four-part series, we’re going to hear from members of our Hope Church Be The Bridge groups past and present. We pray their voices will help you as you process, as well as encourage you to be a part of an upcoming group.
Meet Rebecca Leatherwood
Rebecca was part of Hope's first BTB group. She and her family have been attending Hope for 5 years.
The current escalation in racial tension calls for people to take a stand against racism. Today I think the most important thing to know is that as Christians it is our responsibility to be an example of God’s love. That example includes speaking up and naming it. We need call out racism or racist behavior when we see it.
I was introduced to Latasha Morrison’s “Be the Bridge” curriculum program at an IF: conference at Hope. I was immediately interested and looked for more information. I joined a group and began to do, what we call in the groups, “the work”, the emotional process of racial reconciliation. As I went through the program content, I let myself be vulnerable and did a lot of internal reflection. I opened my mind and expand my understanding of the complexity of the issue. BTB helped me put words to my emotions and provided tools and resources to put my experiences in to context and start healing. The steps the program takes you through helped me process through a Christian lens. I approached the curriculum thinking as a person of color I was ahead of the learning curve. I was humbled to learn there is so much work to be done on all sides.
We all need to enter the conversation with open minds and humble hearts prepared to have positive conversations that move the relationships forward. The most important thing is to enter with an honest desire to learn.
For the last two years, RIkeesha Phelon and Lisa Miller have been leading Be The Bridge conversation groups here at Hope. The Be The Bridge model was created by founder, Latasha Morrison. Morrison’s organization equips individuals to serve as ambassadors of racial reconciliation with a unique Christian perspective.The recent murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, have spotlighted again our nation’s heart-breaking racial history. History doesn’t go away—its shadows are here with us in the present. As Christ-followers who believe in God’s plan of Biblical justice that calls for hospitality to the outsider, love and grace for all, and a special place for the vulnerable--How do we navigate these waters? In this four-part series, we’re going to hear from members of our Hope Church Be The Bridge groups past and present. We pray their voices will help you as you process, as well as encourage you to be a part of an upcoming group.
Meet Rebecca Leatherwood
Rebecca was part of Hope's first BTB group. She and her family have been attending Hope for 5 years.
The current escalation in racial tension calls for people to take a stand against racism. Today I think the most important thing to know is that as Christians it is our responsibility to be an example of God’s love. That example includes speaking up and naming it. We need call out racism or racist behavior when we see it.
I was introduced to Latasha Morrison’s “Be the Bridge” curriculum program at an IF: conference at Hope. I was immediately interested and looked for more information. I joined a group and began to do, what we call in the groups, “the work”, the emotional process of racial reconciliation. As I went through the program content, I let myself be vulnerable and did a lot of internal reflection. I opened my mind and expand my understanding of the complexity of the issue. BTB helped me put words to my emotions and provided tools and resources to put my experiences in to context and start healing. The steps the program takes you through helped me process through a Christian lens. I approached the curriculum thinking as a person of color I was ahead of the learning curve. I was humbled to learn there is so much work to be done on all sides.
We all need to enter the conversation with open minds and humble hearts prepared to have positive conversations that move the relationships forward. The most important thing is to enter with an honest desire to learn.
Take a Peek at Be The Bridge: The Springfield Race Riot of 1908
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Take a Peek at Be The Bridge: Meet Emily LeVault
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Take a Peek at Be The Bridge: Juneteenth
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Take a Peek at Be The Bridge: Meet Rebecca Leatherwood
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