Helping People Follow Christ Together For New Life

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone; the new has come.”

(2 Corinthians 5:17)

New Message Series

Pace: Training For Spiritual Fitness

In the gym we can condition our body with exercises to reach health and fitness goals throughout our life. Similarly, in our relationship with Christ, we can condition our spirit with 6 basic exercises. We call these, "The 6 Marks of A Disciple." When we start out, it's not a routine we can do on our own. This regimen for spiritual growth is produced in us by the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit marks us with these characteristics, we begin to partner with him to develop them in our heart, mind, and faith. By our obedience and cooperation with the Holy Spirit, we grow more like Christ over time. In some seasons of life, it feels like a sprint and others a marathon, but as we mature, our goal is simply for a steady pace...together.
If you or someone you know wants to grow spiritually, invite them to grow with us through our new 6-week series: "Pace: Training For Spiritual Fitness." starting Sunday,  July 7th.

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