You Are Invited!

Good Friday and Easter services at Hope are truly special and memorable. Let us help you plan your visit.
Pick A Service Time
Invite A Friend To Join You
Come Early To Grab A Seat

Spread The Word! 

Good Friday and Easter with Hope Church is a great opportunity to invite someone to church.  Share our Easter Facebook Event, download our Easter & Good Friday Graphics (above), text it to a friend or family member or post it to your social media channels. Thanks for sharing Hope!

At Hope.


Service Times

Experience Good Friday with Hope. Join us for this meaningful and unique service as we reflect upon Jesus' sacrifice for us. We'll gather in the Gymnasium for worship, devotion, interactive stations, and end the services with the powerful experience of the cross carry. Invite your friends and family to join us.

Friday, April 18th at 3pm / 5pm / 7pm

 ASL Service 7pm
This is an in-person service on Hope's campus due to the interactive stations and cross carry outdoors.

What to Expect

At Hope, we want you to come as you are. Jeans? Perfect. Good Friday services are typically set in a somber and darker ambiance. Come and experience the power of the cross and understand why Good Friday is "good".

Questions? Email our Connections Pastor, Dustin Bramer

Children's Ministry

Our HopeKids ministry offers programming for children Birth-5th grade during all of our Good Friday services. Our volunteers love providing a meaningful and thoughtful Good Friday experience, including their very own version of interactive stations and cross carry!

Friday, April 18th at 3pm / 5pm / 7pm

Questions? Email our Children's Pastor, Curtis Batchelder

At Hope.


Service Times

Experience Easter with Hope! Enjoy contemporary worship, a message from our lead pastor, Brian Mills. Offering 4 identical services, we hope you can join us. On Campus or Online.

Saturday, April 19th at 5:30pm

Sunday, April 20th at 8am / 9:30am / 11am
ASL Service 11am
Online Service Available @ 9:30am & 11am 
Childcare will not be provided at our 8am Service

What to Expect

At Hope, we want you to come as you are. Jeans? Perfect.  Come early, grab a cup of coffee, meet someone new and find a good seat. Be sure to grab and Easter photo before or after service and if you are new to Hope be sure to stop by our "Treat & Greet" kiosk just outside the auditorium. We would love to meet you and stay connected.

Questions? Email our Connections Pastor, Dustin Bramer

Children's Ministry

Our HopeKids ministry always makes Easter special! We offer programming for children Birth-5th grades for all of our Good Friday and most of our Easter Services. Our team of volunteers really shine bright and your kids will leave knowing more about our great God and excited to celebrate the Easter story!

Saturday, April 19th at 5:30pm
Sunday, April 20th at 9:30am & 11am

Questions? Email our Children's Pastor, Curtis Batchelder

Events Leading To Easter

See you soon!

Join us in this season of reflection and celebration as we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday Services
Friday, April 18th, at 3pm / 5pm / 7pm
ASL Service 7pm

Easter Services
Saturday, April 19th at 5:30pm
Sunday, April 20th, at 8am / 9:30am / 11am
ASL Service 11am